Monday, December 12, 2011

'Tis the Season

As all of you know, the Christmas season is well upon us! We are more than three weeks into advent - the day of our Savior's birth in less than two weeks! How exciting :) With the season, however much we try to avoid the materialistic side of Christmas, comes gift giving - giving and receiving gifts, a part of Christmas I have always loved and cherished. There is nothing like picking out a special gift for your loved ones and watching their surprise and joy as they open it! Ever since I started working during the summers a few years ago, I started spending more on gifts for people - after all, why work if I can't buy things for the ones I love? Lately, though, I've really been questioning this.

I don't think giving gifts in itself is wrong! (just clarifying) I feel that giving gifts is just another way to show love to others. But let's think this one through... when you receive a gift from someone, do you feel less loved when they spend $50 on you instead of $10? Would you rather have a general, expensive gift or something less expensive and more personalized? I love personal gifts, but I've always gone for the extreme end, setting myself a price limit and then trying to go as close as I could to that limit, just because I can! I would always say that my friends and family deserve my money! I believe that they do, but will they actually notice if you spend $15 instead of the $20 limit? Not because you're trying to be cheap, but because the perfect gift for them was $20! Money isn't everything. Maybe this holiday season, we should focus on buying reasonable and thoughtful gifts - gifts that people will remember and appreciate, not for their monetary value but because it made them feel loved and special :)

Lo siento for rambling, but my thoughts on gifts have just really been flowing lately! Another thing that's been on my mind is what a great opportunity gift-giving is. There are so many awesome fair trade products, products that help save the environment, etc! The holidays are a great time to buy someone a beautiful gift that helps make them and others aware of social justice issues around the world, or even gifts that just spread the Gospel :) I was looking through the Not For Sale Store earlier, and found this t-shirt that I absolutely love and would LOVE to get for someone for a Christmas or a birthday:
 Love love love it. Honestly, what a great gift (maybe this is a gift for someone who is more passionate about ending Human Trafficking already, but they have a lot of other products on their website that aren't quite this loud!).

That was fun to post those pictures! Maybe I'll make a post in the near future about top Christmas gifts for a socially aware consumer. Look for that in the near future! :)

So, in short, my conclusion about gifts this year: spending less is more, and buying gifts that bring God's Kingdom to earth is the BEST!

And now, for my daily picture...
My love - just taking a snooze. Lazy day after my today's finals were done :)

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