Friday, December 16, 2011


I'm officially done with finals and my first semester in college. WHOOHOO! It's such a weird feeling to be done. This semester flew by - it honestly feels like I've only been here a week! I'm super excited to have a month off to relax though, even if I'll miss everyone here!

I'm busy gathering up stuff to go home, so I'll post something for real later. I just wanted to share my excitement and share with everyone how truly blessed I am to be in college surrounded by such amazing people. SO BLESSED! My roommate says it best on her new blog - check it out, it's awesome!

And now a few pictures from the last couple of days!

My beautiful roommate trying to figure out how to sell her books!

The laundry I did last night. 4 LOADS! I think that's a record!

1 comment:

  1. I love you Abbey and I cannot wait to get together over break! So many blessings this semester and I am SOOOOOO thankful for YOU!!!
