Sunday, December 4, 2011


I am getting so excited for Christmas it's insane! I really do just love Christmas. All the girls on my floor decorated our lounge tonight - we put up lights and snowflakes and paper stockings and made a fireplace and Christmas trees! It looks gorgeous. I love them all and I feel so lucky that I've gotten to know them this year!

One thing that I find awesome about the Episcopal church (the church I grew up in!) and many other more traditional churches is that they follow the liturgical year. Seasons that rise and fall with the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When reading the Old Testament, we are able to witness the Israelites observe many holidays to remember important events like their deliverance from Israel. Now, in this new age since Jesus, we also show remembrance, but instead of the Israelites to Jesus!

Right now we're of course in the season of advent, the month leading up to the birth of our Savior. The service and prayers change slightly, but my favorite part is the advent wreath - a wreath containing four candles and one candle in the middle. Each week of advent, one more candle is lit. This simple wreath adds to the excitement and build up of the season. I'm better able to understand how the Israelites felt when waiting for the Messiah - so hopeful and expectant! I can't help but be joyful, though, since I know the story ahead of time :)

I encourage everyone to get in the mood of the season this year! And by that, I don't mean by buying lots of presents and stressing out over having the best holiday decorations (although I do believe both of these things can be glorifying when done properly!!), but instead by recreating these feelings of hope by reading the Christmas story and going to church! And other things! Seriously though, following the liturgical year is so rewarding.

I hope everyone is feeling loved this advent! Even if you don't feel it, you are :)

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