Monday, December 5, 2011


Today in theo, my professor talked the entire class about Martin Luther. Most of it was pretty boring - he's spent his entire career studying the life of Luther, so he knows a lot about the guy. He said a couple of things, however, that were super interesting and definitely got me thinking a little more about the whole justification issue. I'm not going to discuss it here (my best friend Kyle has a great post about it tho, check it out!) because i'm not well versed enough about it and don't have enough time! Here are just a few things about the life of Luther that made me think a little more about the issue:

1) Luther had a case of scruples for a lot of his life. He had a hard time feeling forgiveness for his sins and feeling God's love. Maybe his reason for putting so much emphasis on faith?

2) Luther believed that having faith will lead to good works - they naturally belong together and cannot be separated!

3) Luther wrote a lot about the law, and what it means for us after the resurrection of Jesus and the beginning of a time of freedom from sin. He said that the difference between following the law and fulfilling the law is faith. Maybe this was why he often wrote of faith alone - faith alone is what transcends the gap between following and fulfilling.

Well, that's honestly all I have to share! For a guy whose theology led to many churches who don't emphasize a life change and only tell the parishioners to have faith, I found it interesting that this is not even close to what he meant. Just something to think about as you wrestle with justification :)

Finally, a little Michael Bublé for you! Love this song and love him, awww yeah.


  1. Interesting facts! I felt you made a point in your post that is right on in usually every issue in the Church. When people get upset or disagree with something they are often tempted to go the extreme on the other side of the spectrum. So instead of good works... only faith. For Luther, instead of chastity you most certainly should get married. It is very interesting! (The only problem I draw with everything he said was probably due to his anti-semitism he didn't hold Israel front and center in his justification thought.) Thanks!

  2. So true, his anti-semitism was a drag! Glad you found it interesting as well!!
