Sunday, February 5, 2012


clamar justicia = to cry out for justice
rezar = to pray
alabar a Dios = to glorify God
comulgar = to take communion (so cool that there's a special verb for it!!)
tentacion = temptation
alma = soul
pecadora = sinner
culto = worship (also means cult... i'm not sure what to make of that?)
<<Dios mío, Dios mío!, ¿por qué me has abandonado?>> = "my God, my God, why have you forsaken        me?"

This weekend was consumed with a long Spanish assignment - I had to read a 25 page story, which is A LOT for someone who isn't fluent. However, it feels good to have it done. On the plus side, it was a religious story, so I learned a lot of new words. Hope everyone had a nice weekend :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Tonight at Bible Study, we read Philippians, which is one of the happiest works I've ever read! Paul exudes the joy of Christ, and this is what the letter is often equated with. Instead of the typical parts about joy catching my eye, though, a different theme stood out to me tonight.

"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead."
-Philippians 3:7-11

This is a huge passage, and there's a lot that can be talked about and dissected, but for whatever reason, God put the earnestness of Paul and his desire to learn on my heart. Paul is so eager to know Jesus and everything about him, how to become like him, and ultimately, how to achieve resurrection. The eagerness and readiness in this passage is overwhelming and enveloping, and I pray that we would all have hearts so eager to know the Lord more and more.

I don't know about you, but I feel that I'm in a rut of complacency and contentment, a place where I'm able to trick myself into thinking that I know enough. Of course I don't know it all, but I know enough. How could I ever think this? How could I ever know enough about a God who is infinite and holy and all-powerful and more incredible than any book could ever teach? How am I content with the little I know?

As we draw closer to the weekend (it's Thursday, I can say that!), I hope you will join will me in praying for and seeking after the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord!

On a side note, I discovered the organization Preemptive Love Coalition today and was blown away by how awesome it is! Click on the name and check out their website - you won't be disappointed!!

And if opening another tab dissuades you, I've even posted their video below for you to check out. That's how much I like these guys!

Have a wonderful day :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I feel that we are the most whole when we most recognize our brokenness and our need for a Savior, a need for God's love and grace. isn't that funny? just as we realize that we're broken and surrender the pieces, we become whole.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Today, I did something really impulsive - I ordered a photography book for beginners, the kind that is supposed to introduce you to the art and hopefully teach you how to take a relatively decent picture. This is impulsive for several reasons:
1) I've always been semi-against taking pictures. I really like the idea of photography, but I've always felt that I don't want to spend too much time behind the lens of a camera and miss living-in-the-moment. In reality, I think this is just an excuse. I'm most likely against pictures because I'm too lazy to ever pull out my camera and because three-year-olds take better pictures than me.
2) I didn't even try to find another item on Amazon to help me qualify for free shipping. I only needed ten more dollars! Only after I finalized the order did I remember a hundred other things that I could have added on. Typical.

For some reason, I'm really excited about the idea of getting this book and fooling around with my old camera. Over the past months, I've had this burning desire to create, whether it be making music or writing or simple crafts from Pinterest. There is an immeasurable joy from creating something from nothing, from being able to attach your name to something that has the potential to inspire and bring joy to others, from being able to let the Holy Spirit flow freely through you to create something that points to Truth and Life. The more I create, the stronger the desire grows. I spend all of my time daydreaming about exploring the city and taking pictures, painting a landscape that's worth hanging up or cooking food that is so rich and wonderful that my friends are always hoping for a dinner invitation. I want so badly to create something that will allow others to see and know Jesus in ways that words often fail to express.

I'm not sure if I'll be good at photography, or if I'll even like it. It excites me, though, that I'm one step closer to hopefully finding something that I'm passionate about and can use to further God's kingdom. I don't think everyone will find a passion in the category of what is classically considered "art" (let's be honest, I probably won't!), but I think it's imperative that everyone creates. Our Father in Heaven is the most beautiful and wonderful Creator ever imaginable, so it only makes sense that we, as image-bearing creatures, would create too! Creation can come in so many forms, from building a spreadsheet to painting a picture to making a grocery list for the week. We are all creators, and I pray that we would use our gifts to create in ways that allow the Lord to do amazing things through us, creation that points to the Ultimate Creator. Amen.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Hello everyone! Now that I'm back to school, I'm going to try and start blogging again consistently. Try is the keyword there, but if I did it before break, I can do it now, right?! Right.

School is so great this semester so far! Me encantan todos mis profesores y mis clases. I'm excited to start tutoring twice a week at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, and I'm really starting to solidify friendships with some wonderful people! It feels great to be back and doing work again :)

All throughout break, for some reason I was thinking a lot about the part in Matthew that talks about how we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Specifically I was thinking about the first part: "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." - Matthew 5:13. This verse has honestly always been a little confusing to me, but I've never really dived into it because everyone else seemed to get it. But seriously, salt of the earth? When I think of salt, I think of french fries, not a metaphor for how to live. I realized, though, that this is definitely an instance where the original context of the verse is very important. In this case, that means the purpose of salt in Biblical times.

First of all, I think it's important to realize how immensely important salt was in Biblical times. Not only was it a seasoning (our primary use today), but it was the main preservative (the only way to keep food longer than a few days without going bad), a disinfectant, a component of ceremonial offerings, and a unit of exchange. Salt was vital to everyday life and culture in the ancient world, so this was a metaphor everyone would have understood and learned from. So, by examining the main roles that salt played in the time of Jesus, we are able to better understand how we can truly be the 'salt of the earth'.

1) Seasoning. This is the main thing I think of when salt is mentioned today. I think of it as something extra, unnecessary, and unhealthy. When we think about WHY we use salt in our food though, the answer is simple: to enhance flavors. We use salt to bring out great flavors in our food, to make it rich and succulent. As Christians, we should be enhancers. We should take the good things that are already present in the world, the good things about people and help enhance them, encouraging them to become even better and truly glorifying.

2) Preservative. This one also isn't too hard to wrap our minds around. Salt was used to keep food, life-sustaining substance, from going bad. As Christians, we should be preservers. We should be working to preserve and sustain the beauty in the world, and of course working to create more of it.

3) Finally, disinfectant. Salt was used to kill germs and keep bacteria and harmful things from spreading and killing good cells. As Christians we're NOT supposed to be killers though! We're supposed to be revealers - salting wounds and shedding light on evil to stop it in its tracks and keep it from spreading.

It's so important that we put verses like these (really the whole Bible) in the context it was written, always keeping in mind that although the Bible was written for us, it wasn't written to us.

Let us go and be the salt of the world - enhancing, preserving, and revealing. Amen!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


1) i can't believe it's already the thursday before i have to go back to school.
2) i can't believe that i am three weeks behind on my 90 day bible reading plan... /:
3) i can't believe i have not practiced my spanish at all during this break.
4) i also can't believe this is my second blog of break.

What the heck?!? Where did all this time go, and why does it seem that I've massively wasted it? Granted, I was under the influence of heavy narcotics for a week after my wisdom teeth were removed, but those other weeks I was totally capable of getting things done. Seriously! I just chose to be lazy.

Honestly though, there are a lot of really really good things that happened this break! I spent time with my family and my friends from home. I was able to watch a ton of great movies and docs, one of which was so good it may or may not have me considering a career change :) I also read 4 or 5 really good books! And, maybe most importantly, I felt very relaxed - I truly felt like this was a much needed break from school.

So even though I didn't get all the things done I had planned, I would say I had a really nice break :) Thanks be to God for time to relax and thanks for the upcoming semester of hard work.