Thursday, January 12, 2012


1) i can't believe it's already the thursday before i have to go back to school.
2) i can't believe that i am three weeks behind on my 90 day bible reading plan... /:
3) i can't believe i have not practiced my spanish at all during this break.
4) i also can't believe this is my second blog of break.

What the heck?!? Where did all this time go, and why does it seem that I've massively wasted it? Granted, I was under the influence of heavy narcotics for a week after my wisdom teeth were removed, but those other weeks I was totally capable of getting things done. Seriously! I just chose to be lazy.

Honestly though, there are a lot of really really good things that happened this break! I spent time with my family and my friends from home. I was able to watch a ton of great movies and docs, one of which was so good it may or may not have me considering a career change :) I also read 4 or 5 really good books! And, maybe most importantly, I felt very relaxed - I truly felt like this was a much needed break from school.

So even though I didn't get all the things done I had planned, I would say I had a really nice break :) Thanks be to God for time to relax and thanks for the upcoming semester of hard work.

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