Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I honestly don't understand people. Being a Christian is really stinkin hard sometimes! It's all worth it, and I would endure trials every second of the day for Jesus, but it's still hard!

I opened my Bible to the Psalms a few minutes ago and found myself at Psalm 88, which is such a depressing Psalm! But I read parts of it and just identified SO much. I felt victorious, like someone finally understood what I was feeling! It's so crazy to me how a Psalm can do that. Just another tribute to how amazing and unchanging God is.

I hope everyone is having an amazing Thanksgiving weekend! No matter what trials you may be facing, let's never forget to give thanks to God for all of our many blessings, and most of all for His son, Jesus Christ. AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! The psalms are crazy for doing that aren't that? Some times I think David (or the writer) was massively bi-polar. :) haha but for real I feel if we wrote out all our good and bad we would end up with something like that as well, very sad and super happy, that's why it connects with me so much.
